Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's Confirmed!! I'm her FAVORITE!!

While blog surfing tonight I came across PROOF that I am my SIL favorite person EVER! ;) I hurried and copied it, the entire post not just the link, so that if she ever deletes it. . . .I still have the proof!


1. I confess this is Saturday

2. I confess that I am unbelievably proud of my Sister in law & her fam. Her son R. is an amazingly great defensive football player, very committed, works hard, has so much potential. It is awesome. Her daughter K. has amazing life goals and is grabbing them by the horns and making them happen. Pretty awesome for a 10 year old. J. the hubby, just received a rocking great promotion at work, that he totally deserved and H. the SIL keeps our business running smooth, keeps her brother on a fairly straight line & puts up with my sh** to boot.

3. I confess I LOVE my new Mumford & Sons album I got on Itunes...weird English pub music, but I'm digging it.

AT 10:35 AM

Heidi said...
::blush:: Ahh, thank you!! Your super sweet not mentioning that I just about cost your business $40,000 just a few weeks ago ;) *HuGs*

Wow, that totally left me speechless! Thank you Christi!! You made my day. . . or, I mean night. That totally makes up for putting up with your MONSTER DEVIL PUPPY, Jack, everyday! Yes, yes,...I know, he's a good puppy. . . . FOR YOU!

** I'm not really sure where that came from, NO I DID NOT PAY HER TO WRITE IT and NO I DID NOT WRITE IT MYSELF (even though I do know her password), however she has been heavily medicated at times since having her appendix out last week, lol ;)