Friday, June 13, 2008

Our busy life :)

Well, even with all the cooler weather we have been having, the week turned out okay. Monday was Ry & Ky's first day at Summer in the Park. There are alot more kids enrolled this year, and they were excited that some of their friends from school were there. We got in our weekly trip to lagoon, twice actually. Saturday the four of us went and then on Tuesday the kids and I met up the Skeen's. With the Dads at work, I think Ryan enjoyed being the only boy there(Ky, Kylie, Kelsey, & Kambree). The Kylie's LOVED being able to spend the day together, and Ryan enjoyed winning this big pink unicorn for his little sister. On Wednesday the kids went bowling then spent night at Joel's parents house. Thursday, after summer in the park, Ry & Ky spent the afternoon with the Bingham boys while their mom and I went shopping and to get our nails done :) This morning we met up the my sister-in-law, Christy, and her two boys for breakfast and a movie, Kung Fu Panda. Now the kids are back over to their grandma's house and I am looking forward some quite time with my Husband. All in all it was a pretty good week!