Monday, June 9, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

So far this summer has been a bore :( The weather has been crappy, and it has not started to feel like summer yet. We bought all of us Lagoon season passports and Roy Aquatic punch passes to help the summer go by, but have not really enjoyed either so far. The few times we have been to lagoon it has been very cold and very busy, and the Aquatic Center has not been a possiblity with all the rainy cold weather we have been having, highs only in the low 70's. The kids started "Summer in Park" this morning and are really looking forward to having something to do. They meet at a local park on Monday -Thursday mornings and enjoy all kinds of fun activities for 3 hours a day. I also am looking forward to them being out of my hair for a few hours a day! We do have a few camping trips planned for this month that should be fun if the weather holds out.