Wednesday, July 23, 2008

After all the worrying, He is FINE!

Almost four months ago Joel came down with a bad case of bronchitis. On his chest x-ray the radiologist from Ogden Clinic noticed something "prominent" in his left lung that should be checked again in a few months. So, a few weeks ago I made him go back to the clinic for another chest x-ray and again the spot they saw was still "prominent" and he should have a CT scan done. I was FREAKING OUT! He was fine, everything is always.....fine :)

Well this time I should have listen to him. It would have saved me hours of worrying about him. On Tuesday afternoon he had his appointment with a specialist at the University of Utah (Thanks Jo for helping me get him an appt. so quickly and for coming to visit with us!) and after 4 long hours, and a few test, many doctors and two radiologist said they could fine NOTHING wrong with his lungs. They think what the radiologist from Ogden Clinic is seeing is the end of a large vein. So just this once he was right, and just this once I am thrilled about that. I love you Bud!