Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here we go again!

Once again the craziness of football season is here. Practice every night for 2 hours right in the middle of the evening, and as my friend Amy would say, it's fabulous! We spend a ton on fast food during these 3 months. Draft day was yesterday and Ry is thrilled with the team he is on and is excited to be playing his friend Chance and a few teammates from last year. Ky and I are bummed that we lost our Arctic Circle friends, Jackson's & Dicus' Families :( I will miss you guys & gals! I went to school with his new coach, Troy Dixon, who had a perfect season last year and I am excited to see what Ry can learn from him. I know that Coach Dixon will be A LOT harder on Ry than Coach Tafoya was, I think I yelled at Ry more than he did, well...I know I did, I have hours and hours (7 full DVDs) of game time with me yelling in the back ground. I LOVE IT! Anyway, Coach Dixon is making them work hard and he comes home exhausted!

It is awesome to watch your kids excel in things that they love to do. As a friend of mine said, "to watch them become more than they thought they could", it's a great feeling and makes the inconvenience of it all worth it. If your a parent, you know what I mean. From the time Ry could talk he has been passionate about football. Nothing would make me happier than to see him achieve his goal of playing football for BYU. Family, friends, and strangers have tried telling him that the "U" is better, he has never wavered and still remains 100% loyal to BYU. He is the cutest! I love him and I am very proud of him :)