Friday, July 18, 2008

East Canyon

Last week was CRAZY! I spent the week helping Craig & Darcie with their two kids, while trying to entertain my own kids. By Thursday night I was exhausted. On Friday Shauna , Joel's cousin, and her family flew in from Nashville, TN. We met for a family BBQ and the kids went swimming in the pool. Later that night we went to my grandparents house to meet up with my family for my Dad's birthday. My Dad turn 55 on the 12th.

On Saturday, his actual birthday, just the adults went to their house and had a nice dinner. Sunday we spent the day boating. This picture is of Ry falling off the tube. Ky and I enjoy trying to throw him off - faster Dad, faster! This week my parents friends from California are here staying with them. Last night we met for dinner and we plan on seeing them again before they fly back home on Wednesday.

This weekend is already filling up quickly. Tonight is our friends going away party. The Madison's (Ian, Lora, and kids) are moving to St. George next week, so a bunch of us are meeting at Angie's to have a BBQ. I am going to miss Lora Terribly. Midland just won't be the same without her! On Saturday we are taking Tal to Lagoon so that his Mom, my friend Shalise, can have a day to study for her math test that is next week. There is never a dull moment around here :) See below for more pictures of our boating trip.