Monday, July 7, 2008

The Holiday Weekend

As usual we stayed busy during the holiday weekend. It started off with my mother-in-laws birthday party on the 3rd. Later that night we went to Bountiful to my parents house and walked down Eagle Lake Golf Course with the entire family to watch fireworks. The kids got a kick out of the fact that the sprinklers came on and soaked us while we were watching them :) It was definitely a memory maker!

On the 4th we were invited to join Craig, Darcie and their kids at their campsite up South Fork Canyon. We arrived around 2:00 pm and spent the day rafting down the river. Ry loved it right away, of course, but Ky had to make a few runs before she got comfortable. It brought back great memories for me of tubing down the Weber River with my neighborhood while I was growing up. We spent the night roasting hot dogs and s'mores and just visiting around the camp fire. I think Joel and the kids enjoyed sleeping under the stars, I missed our trailer something fierce. All four of us were crammed on a king size air matteress, and by midnight I was FREEZING. By early morning I was DONE and ready to pack up and head home. We pulled in our driveway around 9:00 am and crashed till noon.

That night, while my mom watched our kids at our house, Joel and I took his Brother and my Dad to see the new Will Smith movie, Hancock. On Sunday the kids went to spend the night at Joel's parents house. Joel and I went to church then later that night we went down to my parents house and enjoyed a nice dinner just the four of us!