Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Phoenix Weekend!

First of all, I LOVE TO FLY! We arrived at the airport around 5:30 am, and once we made it through checking our bags and all the security, we had about 40 minutes before boarding - so I took pictures! Lots of pictures - only a few made the final cut.

Once we arrived in Phoenix we went to get our rental car, we rented a Dodge Charger, I was so excited. I love the looks of them and want to buy one - however Joel will NEVER buy another Chrysler car again, we have bought two new ones and they were both crap.

Anyway, once we got in the totally awesome car, we headed into town to find breakfast. It felt like it should be late afternoon since we got up so early, however it was only 8:30 am. After breakfast we checked into our hotel and crashed. I don't do so well waking up at 3:00 am - couldn't sleep and I like my sleep. So, power nap done - we headed out to see some of the sites, Old Town (buy souvenirs for the kids), Cardinals Stadium, and Margaritaville - My Dad is a huge Jimmy Buffet fan. Then it was back to the hotel to get ready for John Edwards!

The show was amazing! Even if you don't believe in what he does, he is very entertaining :) The show lasted about two and a half hours, then we headed for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I was disappointed to see that they took my favorite item off the menu, but it was still fabulous and the cheesecake is always amazing. We finally arrived back to the hotel around 11:30 phoenix time, 12:30 our time, with plans to sleep in. However, my kids won't let me sleep in even when I am in a differentsame state. Ry called around 7:30 am to tell me he pulled his loose tooth out with pliers, he is such a toad :/ Then it was breakfast, back to the airport and finally, home-sweet-home. I loved every minute of it and can't wait to do it again!