Thursday, August 28, 2008

1st Day of School

Well, Monday was the first day of the 08-09 school year! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were early days - which go by WAY to fast. Today was the first full day of school, it's been fabulous. This morning I was able to get a ton of PTA stuff done at the school, go to lunch with Susie, Bodee (Susie's one year old), and my grandparents at the Olive Garden, and still had time to spare :) Both the kids are really enjoying their new teachers and are excited to go to school every morning. Chance, Ry's friend, comes over at 7 am (since his parents leave for work). He has breakfast with us and hangs out until the kids walk, or ride their bikes, to school together at 8am. It's amazing how fast both of my kids can get ready in the morning knowing Chance will be here soon. On Sundays they wake up around 8am and we don't go to church until 1 pm, and they are NEVER ready on time. Maybe Chance should come to our ward for a while :) Well, it's definitely nice to have my free time back, but I'm not sure I am ready to start all the homework again. We haven't had any yet, and I crossing my fingers it doesn't start for a while....If only teacher's could wait until football season got over :D