Thursday, August 14, 2008

YW Camp 2008

Well it's Thursday and I survived YW camp! I had a ball :) Getting to know all 27 girls from our ward was a blast. We met at the church early Monday morning and drove up to North Fork Canyon to Camp Lomondi. After we arrived the girls ran to the cabins to claim the top bunk. Luckily since it was only ward camp, not stake, every girl was able to sleep on the top bunk and put their belongings underneath them.

Monday's activities included the leader skit, secret sister assignments, camp certifications, the obstacle course, family home evening, a movie under the stars, and LOTS of food. That night ended with the girls getting carried away toilet papering the cabins and bedtime fell around 1 am. Tuesdays activities included an early morning hike, pedicures performed by the leaders, Star Academy speakers (mini lessons performed by ward members), lots of free time (the girls loved playing in the river),and later that evening we had actress, Mowava Pryor speak to us. She is an amazing speaker and had all of us laughing and crying.

(See more about Mowava @ I will never forget her inspirational story about finding and joining the LDS church. After lots of pranks we fell into bed around 2 am to be woken up again at 5 am with one of the girls throwing up :) Most of you know, I DON'T DO throw up. I was hiding in my sleeping bag with my pillows and another sleeping bag over my head. It wasn't pretty. After getting her sent home, we started breakfast and the day went from there with crafts, skits, awards and ending with a testimony meeting.

Over all we had lots of laughs, lots of tears (twisted ankle, bloody nose's, bee stings, scraped head and knees), lots of food, and made lots of memories. I loved it and can't wait to be camp director again next year, yes it is a two year calling!