Monday, August 4, 2008

Alvey Camping Trip

Last Friday my parents picked up Ky and met up with my brother and his family and , after football practice, we headed up Logan Canyon to Spring Hollow Campground. Because of a previous experience we had with some friends, the Binghams, on the side of a mountain at midnight :) -good times- Joel was not thrilled about pulling our trailer up after dark to somewhere we had never been. With the help of my Brother and his truck headlights I think it turned out okay. Once we got set up and ready to hang out at the fire with everyone, my sister-in-law and brother headed back down to Hastings in Logan for the lastest Stephanie Meyer book that was going on sale at midnight. So with the kids in bed, Joel and I hung out with my parents for a while then called it night.

Saturday Ky, Colt, and B's had fun fishing, playing games, shooting the b.b. guns, and eating everything in site. While Ry spent the entire day fishing...It drove me crazy, but at the same time it was nice to have him entertained and out of my hair. I have a hard time going down to fish for even a few minutes without getting bored and giving up. Ry woke up at 5:30 am and stopped when he caught one around 7:00 that night. I think Joel made him eat lunch, other than that, the kid never gave up. All of us adults spent the day taking walks with my parents dog, Maggie, and being lazy around the fire. Yes, they had a fire going all day - My Dad blames the kids, but we all now that he loves fire. That evening we BBQ'd and sat around the fire making s'mores and kept each other laughing.

Sunday morning we slept in, ate a quick breakfast, then headed home. I was sad to see it end so quickly. See more pictures below.