Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ky's Kiddo Tag

Ky performed during half-time at the Roy vs Bonneville game on Friday. She was totally bored while waiting for half-time, but once they announced that the girls should start lining up, she was so excited. She also did not want to cooperate with getting her picture taken. I have lots of pictures with the side and back of her head. Stinker!

I'll post the picture she had taken with one of the Royalaire's when we get it at the end of the month.

So, after my Dad complained that there was no "Kiddo Tag" on Ky, she has given me permission to post about her. So here I go.

1. Ky loves to read. There have been many nights that when I go up to bed, hours after she is supposed to be asleep, that she is still up reading.

2. Ky had to have a palm tree. Yes, a palm tree. My Dad is a huge Jimmy Buffet fan, Parrot Head. So, he got a palm tree for his deck to go with his pair of "Jimmy Buffet Adirondack Chairs" (use the link if you, too, MUST have one of these fabulous chairs) and future pink flamingos, he just has to wait for my mom to pass away :D So, one day while walking around Lowe's Ky had a complete melt down because I would not buy her a huge palm tree, just like Grandpa's. Later she told my Dad about how mean I was for not buying it, and before I knew it my Dad had bought Ky her a palm tree. It was in our front yard for all to see, but now that it's turning cold, her palm tree is in her room, thank goodness :)

3. Ky loves being creative. Right now as I type she is making a jump rope out of rubber bands. She can also make a purse out of just about anything! We have many art projects that we have to save in my cedar chest, it's filling up quickly. I need to start taking pictures of her creations and make a scrapbook for her.

4. Ky loves to cuddle. Her day is not complete until she has her cuddle time with both her mom and her dad. She also like to cuddle with Zoe, when we can get her to settle down.

5. Ky loves to bake. She loves when she can go over and bake with her Grandma Dare. They spend hours baking all kinds of sweet treats. Her favorite item to make this time of year is, of course, pumpkin pie and if anyone has a birthday coming up, they always make fabulous cupcakes.