Friday, October 3, 2008

Tagged again...

Okay, so this time I have been tagged to tell 7 random facts about myself. So, here I go. Hope I don't bore anyone.

1. I went to London, England for my senior trip with my fabulous cousin, Tami. We spent 10 days on trains, bikes, and foot exploring all of England. Leeds Castle, in Kent, England, was my favorite by far. It is SO beautiful.

2. My sister, Susie, who I dreaded coming into the world seven years after me (I was a spoiled only girl), is now one of my very best friends! I love ya girl :)

3. I have a hard time going to sleep at night with my closet door open. Drives me crazy, but at that point I am too lazy to get up and do something about it. Most of the time Joel will close it for me, I pull the -your closer to it- card, he is my super-hero!

4. I wish I could go back to a Christmas when both of my kids still believed in Santa. I'm sad that the excitement over Santa is gone from my house forever :( To those parents that have kids that still want to go to the mall to tell Santa what they want for Christmas...make time to go and ENJOY IT!

5. I knew from the very first time Joel kissed me that he was the one I would marry and spend the rest of my life with, now we are sealed and I get him for eternity! Him and I were best friends for two years before we started dating. After he broke up with his girlfriend, I knew I had to give it a try, so I broke up with my boyfriend to purse him. Once we crossed that line from being just friends - I was sold. He still, after 15 yrs, has that twinkle in his eyes when he looks at me, mostly because he's not quite sure what to do with me!

6. I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE to watch my son play it, I love to go to the high school games, I love to watch it in stadiums with thousands of people, I love to watch it on TV, I love everything about it. Besides my son and his team, I don't have any favorites. I grew up with my Dad and Brother being avid Raider fans, but it never really stuck. Ry has got me pulling more for BYU than the U, but only when they are playing against each other. Joanna, one of my good friends, has season tickets to the U of U football games, and I love going with her to those. I am an all around football fan!

7. I am addicted to blogging. As you can tell, once I start typing, I ramble on and on. I also love changing the background on my blog. Will it be new....will it be the's always a surprise!