Sunday, October 12, 2008

Roy 19 - Sky View 13

Yesterday got pretty tense as we played another 8-0 team, Sky View, from Smithfield, UT. We were tied at 13, then with 20 seconds to go our boys made it to the 1 1/2 yard line. Then it took them all 4 downs to make the winning touch down with 6 seconds left in the game. Sky View has an amazing football team! They really made our boys work hard for this win.

Next week the Royals play West Haven White and they too have gone all season being undefeated. My nephew, Bailey(my brothers son), also plays on this team. The winner of this game will go to the WFFL Mini Bowl that's held at Weber State University the following Saturday, October 25th. So, no matter who wins on Saturday, me and my family will be going to watch the championship game, either to watch my son or my nephew.

I am so glad that all of this snow waited until today to start pouring down. Yesterday it was cold and raining off and on, but it would have been absolutely miserable to play in a of foot snow in a complete white-out. Hopefully all of this white stuff will melt and the temperatures will be back into the 60's before next Saturdays game.

Go Roy Royals!