Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm crushed...

** A little background **

Back in 1995, Joel's friend, Adam, was leaving for basic training and asked us to go get a picture taken so he'd have a picture to take with him. So, one night after getting off work at the mall, Joel and I went down to Kiddie Kandis and had this picture taken.

Today, while Ky and her friend were inside playing, I heard Ky's friend say, "that's a cute couple" then she turned to me and asked, "who's this couple in the picture?". I said, "that's Joel and I, before we got married". She said, "uh-uh" (?), basically no-way. I said, "yes, I promise it is". She just stood there, shaking her head no, staring at me like I was absolutely crazy. Ky was no help, she was just standing there laughing - little stinker! I swear when I looked in the mirror this morning, I still looked exactly the same, but apparently not :0)