Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Weekend :)

The fun holiday weekend really started last Wednesday. Wednesday night was our Ward's trunk or treat night. My kids look forward to this event every year. Lot's of candy in a short period of time, and they still have Halloween night to come. Our ward never does it on Halloween. Thursday Ky's class had a fun Halloween Party and they were the only grade that was able to bring costumes to school. Rebel Teachers, got to love 'em! Thursday night the school had their Annual Family Fun Festival, mini-carnival, put on by the PTA. Since I was way busy - I didn't get any pictures :(

Friday, Halloween, I got to sleep in! NO SCHOOL! My Birthday is on Halloween and I told my kids I wanted to sleep in, at 10 am they came in and asked if that was long enough. I was amazed...I can't remember the last time I slept in till ten! Then we got ready for Lunch, pizza party, at Shalise's house and then on to the KSL studio's for their Halloween Party. We got home in time to meet my family in our driveway. We all headed down to the field that my Brother's ward has their trunk or treat in. We crash their trunk or treat every year, it's the best, then head to the Olive Garden to celebrate my birthday :) I love this tradition that we started about 4 years ago. My kids get their Halloween candy and I get to celebrate my birthday - ON my birthday! I know I whine about this all the time - I HATE my birthday being on Halloween, sucks to be me. Then we stopped by Joel's parents house so they could see the kids on Halloween night. Finally crashed in bed around 11 pm.

Saturday morning I met up with another girlfriend, Joanna, for brunch at the Cracker Barrel. It was FABULOUS! I love catching up with her, since she lives the single lifestyle in SLC, I don't get to see her as often as I would like. After brunch, I went to my cousin's house, were Ky was, and we took our Daughters out for a little girl time. First to quickly get a bit to eat, Dad forgot to feed her, then to Ben Franklin's Make and Take It event. Every Saturday from 1-3 they have small crafts that you can make there and take home with you. This was the first time Ky and I had gone, and we loved it. I am sure we will go again soon. It was great Mother-Daughter time. Overall the Halloween weekend was filled with lots of laughs and good times!