Monday, November 3, 2008

PSS: Seven Sins & Virtues

So, I joined a blogging group (Project Say Something, PSS) with various people, I only know one personally - the rest are friends of friends, that take turns asking a weekly question that we each blog about. This week the question is:

Out of the seven sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride) which one is your favorite and which one (if different) are you most guilty of? Same question with the seven virtues (Prudence, Justice, Restraint, Courage, Faith, Hope, Love).

Hum...I'll have to think about that one.

Okay, 7 hours later I have my answer...

My favorite sin is sloth, I love being lazy. I don't get enough of this one though to really consider myself sinning. Nothing better than a rainy Sunday to stay in the P.J.'s, forget the dishes and the laundry, curl up in the lazy boy and read a good book.

The one sin I am guilty of is envy. I always want what I can't possibly have, i.e., naturally straight hair, a rare talent, or being a size 2 like my sister. I envy the stuff you can't go out and buy, trust me I have tried :( Other things, being things, like new houses, cars, etc., I always think - I COULD have those THINGS if I went to back work. I just remind myself it is my choice to stay home and be extremely involved in our kids lives. I can get "things" after they graduate and start families of their own.

My favorite virtue is love, and to me - actions speak louder than words. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to be told daily, which all four of us do constantly. However, it's the best feeling in the world to set back and watch my kids play together. When they are laughing together, LOVE that sound, and enjoying being together - I like to sit back and watch them and enjoy the feeling that they do love each other. Another example is that Joel tells me that he loves me several times throughout the day, but at night when we are setting down stairs watching TV and he sets there and rubs my feet...I know he hates this, but he never complains and does it nightly because I like it. He MUST truly love me :)