Thursday, November 20, 2008

I asked....She said

I stole this idea from Lisa :) It's too cute.

I am...Kylie
I know...math
I want...a DS
I annoying brother, lol :)
I my room
I miss...Dodger (one of our dogs that died)
I Mommy is driving me crazy, lol :)
I hear...Daddy's computer (server) running
I smell...perfume
I crave...cheesecake
I cry...when Ryan bugs me
I search...for money
I wonder...what I am getting for Christmas
I regret...nothing, I don't regret doing anything!
I love...Mommy
I care...about my friends
I worry...about nothing
I remember...going to Disneyland
I believe...anything Ry says is NOT true
I Hannah Montana
I argue...with Ry
I school
I win...sometimes
I lose...sometimes
I wish...I could go with you tonight --- Me: Sorry, you can't :(
(Dinner, Fat Cats, and the midnight show of Twilight with sisters and friends!)
I music
I am scared...of snakes
I need...cheesecake
I tell you to buy me cheesecake, lol :)
I am school

I love her, she makes me happy!