Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Premiere Night!

On Thursday night I had tickets to go see the midnight show of Twilight! We, large group of friends and family, started the evening at the Olive Garden around 8:30. From the moment we walked into the Olive Garden we could tell that it was going to be a night to remember. There were MANY large groups of women, young and old, also beginning their Twilight Night. From printed shirts to prom dresses, everyone had their own Twilight style.

After dinner we headed down to Fat Cats, across the street from the Mexaplex. Once again, a lot of other Twilight Fans had the same idea. Between lots of laughs, and some dancing (they had a live DJ playing), we managed to get in an entire game of bowling... It wasn't our most fabulous game, but we had a great time.

Around 11:30 we walked across the street to pure craziness! Thankfully all the Megaplex employees had it organized and we were able to get drinks and popcorn and make it to our perfect seats with time to spear. When I walked in the door I wasn't sure it was going to be possible.

FINALLY, at 11:59 the screaming and the show began! I loved it...Love it, loved it, loved it! Can't wait to go back and see it again! time, I hope I make it home before 4:00 am :)

So, thanks to all the gals...Susie, Christi, Chantell, Michelle, Kim, Keri, Carie, Chelsea, Jermaine, Jamie, and Natalie...for making it a fun and memorable night!