Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PSS : Significant Other

Tell us about the very FIRST time you saw and/or talked to your current significant other:

It was in September of 1992, my junior year of High School. I had gotten a job at Hot Sam in the Newgate Mall (pretzel place kinda like pretzel maker). As I was standing their with my boss on my first day, she said, see those boys across the hall at the Pine Factory? I turned and looked. She said, they are the shyest brothers you will ever meet - they will never stay and talk to you, doesn't matter how dead the mall becomes. She told me their names and that they were my age, maybe a little bit older.

So, after finding out exactly how dead the mall became in the evenings, ghost town-ish, (these were the days before Dillard's and all the other name brand stores) I set out to make them my friends - I needed someone to talk to! I started to do what I do best...talk and give away free stuff! They both became good friends. It wasn't until the first of our senior year, me at Bonneville - him at Roy, that Joel and I started spending more time together and he became my best friend. We went though our senior year being best friends, talking daily and seeing each other outside of work. It drove my boyfriend and his girlfriend crazy. There were a lot of times his girlfriend would call me to find Joel. It was kind of sad - for her.

THEN around graduation time, June 1994, he broke up with her! I wasn't even sure if he was interested in being more than friends, but I had to take my chance. I immediately broke up with my boyfriend that I had been dating for over a year. Then one night, a few weeks later, I was invited to go over to his brother's apartment to watch a movie. When I showed up, it wasn't the usual group - just Joel, his brother, Judd, and Judd's girlfriend. YEAH!

We started the movie and then Judd and Julie disappeared into another room. So, we started to move closer and closer and before long we were kissing on the couch. After, there was that awkward "crossed the friendship line" pause, so I said the first thing that came to mind - "Well...It's about time!" He started to laughing. We have been together ever since. We got engaged a year later and married six months after that. This February we will celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary.

Joel, I love you so much! Thank you for still being my best friend and so much more :)

I added way more than everyone wanted to know on that post, but since I print my blog monthly, I wanted it on record for me!