Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Our Thanksgiving days are always pretty crazy, we try to make it to both sides of the family. The morning started out with breakfast at Moore's, yum. After breakfast I came home to get in the shower and get ready for the day, by the time I got out of the shower the kids had the Christmas tree put up and mostly decorated. They even clean up after themselves! It was definitely a Christmas miracle.

Around 2:00 pm we went over to Joel's parents house. This year his Brother, Judd, and his Grandpa Lewis didn't make it over. They were both down with the flu. It was good to see Grandma Lewis, Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Stan. They live so close, but we only see them a few times a year. Ry sat and stuffed himself on a huge turkey drumstick, he loves the dark meat...yuck!

We arrived at my parents house in Bountiful around 5:00. Susie, Ryan and Bodee were there and they brought my Grandparents with them. My Sister and I LOVE my Mom's fruit salad! She only makes it once a year, on Thanksgiving, and it's the BEST! We always fight over who gets the leftovers. This year she planned a sneak attack and had hers packed and in a sack to go before I even thought of packing leftovers....Cheater!

Brent and his family always eat with Christi's side of the family and then try to make it for pie every year. This year we drove out to their house to have pie and visit with them after dinner. Then my mom came home with us to spend the night, so she would be up here for our 3:00 am shopping tradition.

Every year we, Susie, Mom, and me, meet to hit the stores for the best deals and then go to breakfast. We always seem to start at Walmart and then work our way to all the other stores. This year I was able to finish up for my kids and get most of the extended family done. Joel and I went back out that night and got the rest of his family done. Now all I have left to shop for is my brother and his wife and my sister and her husband....I'm clueless as what to get them. I am pretty sure my sister in law, Chirsti, is in dire need of another pie server from Dollar Tree. I know how she LOVES her Dollar Tree kitchen supplies :)

This was our lazy day. It was fabulous! We got a few things done around the house and let the kids play outside with friends. That night, our friends, Troy and Andrea did a fondue night. It was yummy. They had seasoned steak and chicken to fondue, with salad and a FABULOUS chocolate fountain, with all the trimmings, for dessert. Yummy, yummy! There were about 10 of us that made it. The night was full of laughs.

It was supposed to be a "NO KID" night, but Eric's babysitter backed out at the last moment. So Eric, Troy and Andrea's son, hung out with us... and murdered me in just about every game of Spoons we played. He sat there giggling all night. He's a cutie! I told Joel that we could not leave until I won at least one game. Luckily, a few hands later, I won. The night was a lot a fun, thanks Troy and Andrea! Eric is the cute red head in my pictures.

After church I needed my Sunday nap! Next thing I knew, it was time to get the kids from Joel's parents, they had spent the night, and head up to my Grandpa's house for cake and ice cream. Today is my cute Grandpa's 81st Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA! We love you :)

Everyone goes back to work and school! YEAH!