Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've been tagged...

I was tagged by Shawna, so here it goes:

I am:
A mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a grand-daughter, an aunt, a niece, a friend, a maid, a den leader, an accountant, a shopper, and much more.
I think: That I should still be upstairs cuddled with my husband in my warm bed, but I still have issues with NOT sleeping, and I get bored just listening to him and Zoe, my dog, breathe.
I know: That I have the most amazing husband! We have a lot of fun together.
I want: A flat screen TV in my room, I have the perfect wall for it that is going to waste!
I have: Taken on too many "projects" and sometimes I feel like I am in way over my head.
I dislike: That sometimes I am to hard on Ry. I need to remember that even though he is maturing, he his still a kid.
I miss: My Grandpa and Grandma Slater, my Uncle Doug, and my Uncle Paul.
I fear: I fear something bad happening to someone I love. I fear losing someone close to me.
I feel: Loved by my family.
I hear: My dog, Zoe, breathing...still. She followed me down here and is asleep at my feet. Love her!
I smell: Cinnamon Vanilla Scentsy wax in my warmer. LOVE IT!
I crave: The lunch special at Chili's. Chips & salsa with soup and salad! Yum.
I cry: With my brother while watching Extreme Makeover, Home Edition. When they have lost a loved one, and make a special place for that special picture, gets us every time.
I search: For the best deals. I love online shopping!
I wonder: What my kids will be like when they get older.
I regret: That I ate WAY to much over the Thanksgiving holiday :(
I wish: I was a better cook.
I love: My family and friends. I ADORE my husband and kids.
I care: What others think and feel. I probably care too much.
I always: Tell my kids and husband how much I love them.
I worry: Constantly, about everything.
I am not: Organized...I use to be really good at staying organized, but lately, not so much.
I remember: being a size 8 when I got married.
I believe: That families can be together forever.
I sing: In the car.
I don’t: Take time to "smell the roses". I need to remember to slow down.
I argue: More than I should about the small things sometimes.
I write: About things on my blog that I want to remember, it is my journal.
I win: Only with the help of others.
I lose: My mind sometimes when I get extremely overwhelmed with all the stuff I need to get done and places I need to go.
I listen: To the radio, love anything but talk radio - Sorry Joel, I just can't do it.
I don’t understand: A lot of things, sad...but true.
I can usually be found: On the Internet - late at night or early in the morning.
I need: To work out more and eat less.
I forget: All the time.
I am happy: With my wonderful life, I really don't deserve it, but I give thanks for it everyday!

I tag my blog slacking friends; Amy (yes, you Amy J., hee, hee), Staci, Jennifer, Shelly, Andrea, Carie, and my sister, Susie.