Monday, December 8, 2008

Giving Blankets

This year everyone in my Mom's ward, in Bountiful, was given the opportunity to help others with "Giving Blankets" provided by the Utah Food Bank. Attached to each lap blanket was a name, address, and other information about an elderly person in need for the holidays. My Mom took three blankets. I don't think she expected us kids to help her, but once we found out what she was doing, all three of us wanted to help.

On Sunday, all of us met at my Mom's house around 11:30. My Mom had decorated each lady a small Christmas tree, and filled a stocking. Once we put the stuff together that each of us had bought, each lady had two large boxes full food, pet supplies, toiletries, and more.

My Mom had called earlier and made appointments to meet with each of these ladies. When we all showed up at their doors, they were very welcoming and excited to have visitors. All three ladies had similar situations; their husbands had passed away, they lived on a very limited budget and all of their kids were living out of state and seldom heard from. They all lived in the same rough area in downtown SLC. I was even joking with my oldest nephew that he shouldn't give eye contact to the people that were passing us outside, it was scary.

I think Ry took it the hardest, he had a hard time believing that the elderly could live that way. But overall it was a great experience for my entire family and a great reminder that we are very fortunate with everything, and everyone, we have in our lives. Once we had visited with each of the ladies, we returned to my Mom's house. We baked yummy Tony's pizzas and decorated sugar cookies.

Thanks, again, Mom and Dad for the great afternoon and the opportunity to serve others during the holidays!