Monday, December 22, 2008

PSS : Christmas Presents

This week was Amy's turn. She asked, What was your best Christmas present? What was your worst? What did you always want but never get?

The best Christmas present I received was, two years ago, when Joel gave me Diamond Earrings. They are so pretty. I loved it. Unfortunately I lost one about a year ago, but I am now thinking about turning the one I have left into a pendant, to wear on a necklace.

I can't think of the worst Christmas present I have received. Nothing jumps out at me... I have friends that get things like vacuums and other cleaning tools from their husbands, I'd hate that, but Joel knows better than to buy me anything like that for Christmas. However, one year my parents bought me the carpet cleaner I wanted. It was, and still is, fabulous... So, I guess it just depends on who is giving me the cleaning stuff.

Always wanted and never got...hum, I'm pretty spoiled. Even as a child I always got what I wanted. Oh... I know, a week long vacation - just Joel and I. Every time we plan a big trip, it's either, JOEL doesn't want our kids to be left out - he is such a great Dad-, or we go with friends and/or family. Guess I'll have to wait until the kids move out, until then I'll be happy with our weekend getaways alone!

My kids answers were:

Best - Metal Detector ~ It cost $500, it better be the best so far....
Worst - Clothes
Never got - PlayStation 3 (only came out this year)

Best - iDog ~ she's easy to please :)
Worst - I don't know...
Never got - Wii and a DS (only asked for them this year)