Saturday, December 20, 2008

This morning I took the kids, with my Dad, sledding at Eagle Lake Golf Course. IT WAS FREEZING! Ky only made it a few times, then got tired of walking back up the hill. Ry...that kid never gives up. After I told him he could only go a few more times, on the next run, he crashed big time! It was kind of sad and really funny. He made it all the way to the bottom on his $10 snowboard and then decided to go for the jump. He flew about 10 feet in the air, he went left...the board went right, and he landed on his head, the poor kid. My Dad and I stood there laughing until we realized he wasn't getting up. We finally got him up and...Yeah! we got to go back to my parents house. I totally wasn't prepared for how cold it was, brr.

Once we got back to our house, Joel took the kids Christmas shopping and I stayed home to make Christmas Candy. It was fabulous! No kids begging to help and I could turn my iPod up as loud as I wanted. I was able to get it made, packaged "cute" for Joel to take to work, and cleaned up before they got back! Once they got home, it was time for dinner and then we settled in to watch "the game".

It was so, so sad :( Ry gave up sometime in the beginning of the 4th quarter and went to bed, crushed... Joel and I turned it on in our room to finish it, Joel feel asleep and I watched it to the brutal end. BYU 21 ~ ASU 31 We'll get'em next year! Go Cougars!