Thursday, January 1, 2009


Our Christmas activities started at Joel's parents house, on Christmas Eve, around noon. Judd, Joel's brother, brought his new girlfriend, Nancy, and her two cute boys, Preston (12) and Ty (10). Joel's parents cooked a big lunch of turkey with all the trimmings and then we exchanged presents. The kids got the Wii and few other small things from their Grandparents and Uncle Judd. They were thrilled and couldn't wait to get home to start playing the Wii...Joel said they could be first... right after him! It was FABULOUS to meet Nancy, she is hilarious - JUDD, DON'T SCREW IT UP, SHE'S A KEEPER :)

Around 5 pm we left and went to my brother's house to join my side of the family. Brent slaved over dinner for us, while Christi worked that day. We had ham and cheese potatoes, my favorite, and of course, many snacks. After exchanging presents we played the candy bar game, a Christmas Eve MUST! It's fabulous to win candy the night before you go to a movie!

Usually we play bingo every year, but this year we ran out of time...Yup, we gab to much plus my Dad left to run my grandparents home. So we decided to save the bingo prizes for our 1st Annual New Year's Eve party. Then it was home to bed!

Christmas morning came early....WAY EARLY! Ry and Ky bombarded our room at 4 AM! You would have thought someone had gotten shot. The lights came on and the yelling began - WAKE UP, WAKE UP! So, only because Joel and I were just as excited, we made our way downstairs.

A few of Ry favorites are the PSP with Madden '09 and a case, black iPod Nano with a case and a music gift certificate, and his absolute favorite, a cell phone.

Ky favorites are pretty much the same. She got the PINK DS with a few games and a case (Yes, she got more games, but DS games don't cost $60 a piece), purple iPod Nano with a case and a music gift certificate, a cell phone, and all the clothes.

Then while they played, Joel and I went back to bed. At 9 am, we met my parents, grandparents, and brother over at Susie and Ryan's house for breakfast. Christmas morning wouldn't be Christmas morning without my Dad's WORLD FAMOUS eggs and bacon. We risked our lives, driving in the snow storm, but it was worth it!

After we got home Joel's parents stopped by to see the kids and then we got cleaned up to go to the movie. After finding out that Marley & Me is very sad...good - but still ends sad, we decided to go see Bedtime Stories, with Adam Sandler. It was so funny, we loved it! Then we stopped by Joel's grandparents house in Layton to visit, then it was home to relax. Overall Christmas was wonderful. We all really enjoyed it - AND - it only took me a week to get my house cleaned up reorganized, YEAH!