Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Birthday MOM!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. Brent, Susie and I decided to take her to dinner, giving her a break from taking care of my recovering Dad. Yep, my poor Dad was back in for another surgery on Friday...his wrist this time. (I'll post cool pic's soon)

Brent picked me up around 3:00pm and we went to get Susie. The three of us arrived at my Mom's in Bountiful around 4:00. After getting over the shock and getting herself ready, we took Mom to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We had a great time! It was nice to be able to visit with them in a small group. After dinner we went back up to her house and continued to visit with her and my Dad. It was a fabulous night :)

I love you MOM!!

Thank you for being an amazing Mom and one of my best friends!

I truly would be lost without you.