Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One Great Neighbor!

Happy Birthday Deb!
(I stole this picture from her FB page...I hope you don't mind Deb :)

Deb is one of those neighbors that hopefully everyone has at least one of, if not more. She is FABULOUS! She has lived "kitty corner" from us since we moved in 12 years ago. However, we really got to know Deb when Ry turned 3 and started living on his bike. Her house is know as "the hill" in our subdivision. Her driveway is a favorite spot for all kids -especially Ry- with bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc. I'm sure Deb and her very patient husband have grumbled a time or two about all the kids, but they have never been anything but wonderful to all of them.

Then Ky came along and loves to sing... Yep, Ky and her friends will go over to Deb's porch to sing to her and she PAYS them, lol. She has also paid them to wash her car and shovel her driveway and I'm sure there is much more I don't know about. I keep telling her to stop - but she insist that she loves it and them and continue to support all of my kids whims. She truly is one of the most amazing ladies I know and we all love her!

Thank you Deb for being one of the best neighbors a family could ask for!