Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

On Saturday evening Joel and I took the kids and went out with friends. Around 7 o'clock we met Heather & Joe, and their boys, and Chris & Amy, and their 3 kids, at Burger Bar ~ YUM!. After ordering food, and waiting... and waiting...(they are kind of slow, but it's worth it!), we got our food and headed to the Motor-Vu Drive In. Ky was not thrilled with our movie choices, but the rest of us were looking forward to seeing the A-Team and Robin Hood. I think the funnest part of the drive-in is the time we hang out waiting for it to start, visiting, watching the kids play catch, and people watching ~ there are some STRANGE people at the drive-in ;)

The A-Team started around 9:30 pm... I LOVED IT! However, Ky fell asleep in the back of the truck about 30 minutes into it, Ry fell asleep half-way through it, and Joel thought it unrealistic... HELLO...IT'S A MOVIE ;)

Around midnight Robin Hood started... IT WAS LAME!! I gave up about an hour into it and got into the cab of the truck and fell asleep. Joel said he thought it too long...but then again he was kind of tired at that point. We made it home around 2:45 am and set our alarm for 8am, church starts at 9 am :( However, next thing I know it is 10:30 am and everyone else is still asleep....oops! That's one thing good about church...there is ALWAYS next week!

Father's Day was great! The kids and I gave Joel a gift certificate to Sportsman's Warehouse, which he asked for ~ gun stuff, fishing stuff... I'm sure he'll find something plus some ;)

Joel spent the day with Ry working on the old canoe they bought. Around 4 o'clock we left for the BBQ at my Mom's house. Due to a mis-communication, kind of..., we arrived an hour early, but the weather was perfect for setting out on my parents deck visiting. After dinner we headed over to Joel's parents house for dessert. We were also celebrating Judd's birthday...WoW, he's OLD ;)

Overall the weekend was a lot of fun!