Monday, June 21, 2010

Our newest family member...

Ky's new baby guinea pig, Rosie!

I know, I know...your jealous, right?

You, too, can get your very own Guinea Pig at PetSmart ;)

What we thought would be an inexpensive pet for Ky has cost us over $200 in the last week. We have all fallen in love with her, she is so cute! On Saturday we spent the day building her a new house and buying her new toys. So far Zoe and Fisher, our labs, have not bothered her...but we are being very cautious. Today after Ky left, to go to Surf & Swim with friends, I went in to check on Rosie and noticed that Ky had painted her nails, both front and back, bright pink ~ that is one patient little guinea pig :)