Thursday, June 17, 2010

Riverdale Splash Pad

On Monday, Susie and I, took the kids to the new splash pad in Riverdale. I took Bailey, my nephew, Ky and her friend Hope. Ry was with my in-laws out on their, I'm sure your shocked ;)

You can tell from the picture that Bodee wasn't sure what to think of it. During one of the breaks Bailey and the girls took Bodee over to the playground. After two hours of playing, and getting all hot and sweaty, Bodee decided to give the cold water a try...he is just too cute!

Susie and I sat on the sidelines with Haylee, who slept her through her first trip to the park. She is so little...the cutest thing ever. Her big brother just LOVES her to pieces, Bodee had to give her kisses when she got out of her car seat, every time we moved to a different place to set, and again when she got back in her car seat. He is such a good big brother :)