Sunday, June 6, 2010

She's Here!

The day was absolutely perfect! When I arrived around 8:00 am they had already started Susie. I left to go rent videos and when I got back Susie was ready for her epidural. We interupted Ryan's, Susie's husband, exciting marathon of Whale Wars to put in Leap Year....very cute movie.

Once the movie was over, credits still rolling, the nurse came in to check her. The nurse had notice that Susie's contractions were changing and said that usually means that she was getting close. Sure enough Susie was at a ten and the baby had completely dropped. Withing minutes the room was full of excitement...nurses, equipment, and the doctor came in ~ and I got kicked to the hall :(

From there things went really FAST! From the door I could hear Susie, Ryan, and her doctor laughing and within 10-15 minutes the sweet baby girl was SCREAMING!

Because it was my Mom's last day of school ~FOREVER (She is officially RETIRED, YEAH!)~ she missed it by about 2 hours... However, my Dad ~who was driving home from St. George~ missed it by only minutes. Within hours family from both sides started pouring in to see baby Haylee.

It is now Sunday night and both Susie and Haylee are home and are doing great!