1. I confess that I have not read the entire Twilight series...I read the first one, couldn't get into the second one and stopped there. I knew the movies were going to be coming out and decided that I would just wait to see it in the theatre. I'm always disappointed when I read a book first and then see the movie. The book is most always better then the movie, so for me it's one or the other.
That being said...
2. I confess that I would NOT have taken my 10 year old daughter to see Breaking Dawn if I would've had any idea that it was going to be as graphic as it was. I heard AFTER we saw the movie that it was originally rated R and they had to continue to cut scenes until they got a PG13 rating. I heard AFTER we saw the movie that people thought I was crazy for taking her to it......BUT NOT ONE PERSON TOLD ME BEFORE. Susie told me that even the book isn't that graphic, but I'm going to have to read it for myself now to try to judge if she's going to see part 2.
3. I confess that it was REALLY HARD to stay up until 4:45am then get up at 9am. I'm getting too old for that. I thought for sure I was going to fall asleep during the movie but then I got my second wind and read for almost 2 hours after I got home. Last time I looked at my alarm it was 4:45ish...got up at 7am to get Joel and Ry out the door for school and work, then went back to bed until just after 9am. THEN...on top of that....once I made it into work I had to work on the S&B estimate AGAIN for another 4-5 hours. NOBODY should have to deal with that mess on less than 4 hours of sleep, lol ;)
4. I confess that is 7:32pm on a cold and snowy Friday night...and I'm going to bed! Good Night!