This is an example of how red and dry my eyes get as a result of having Sjogren's. They actually look wet here in this picture because I had just put my drops in...otherwise it would have been extremely painful to keep my eye open as long as it took to take the picture. Every morning I put my eye drops in and then again a couple times a day. However...if I get busy and forget...this is the way my eyes end up looking and feeling like for several hours.
There is a night time eye lubricant that I can put in at night, right before bedtime, but I struggle using that. Once I put the greasy stuff in my eye lid my vision goes beyond blurry...making it so I can't read. Not reading at night?? That's just unacceptable ;o)
Most of the time I'm not out and about when they get like this...however when I am, especially at church since it's first thing in the morning, I'm constantly getting asked if I'm okay...if the kids are okay...if there any thing they can do to help me...etc...etc...I try to assure them that it really is just extremely dry eyes.
Once the drops go in...my eyes either clear up really fast and everything is back to normal or my eyes will get worse for a short time...depends on how long it's been since the last time I put the drops in. If it gets worse...it's an ugly mess...or should I say I'm an ugly mess. My eyes will finally start to tear up and then it burns and stings and my eyes won't stop leaking. Fun stuff, right?
***NOTICE - My eyelashes are FINALLY starting to grow back!! I ripped off my eyelash extensions a few weeks ago and I miss them terribly! Hopefully after the holidays I can get them back on....once holiday stress is over I might be able to stop picking at them and just leave them alone again!