Last week Christi's cousin, Cody and her husband Casey, came into town from Colorado for a family funeral. While they all attended the funeral I had the pleasure of protecting Rico from the Devil Dog, Jack. I spent the entire morning with Rico on my lap, he would cry if I put him down...it was so sad :(
During our short acquaintance I fell in love with Rico and I would have taken him if I thought there was a chance that Fisher would play nice. Fisher does not know how to play nice with other dogs...he LOVES people...other dogs, not so much. He tolerates Zoe as long has she knows that he is the alpha dog in the house.
HOWEVER...ever since they told me the cute little guys name was Rico...like Rico Suave...I've had the stupid song stuck in my head! Too bad I can't roll my R's like Gerardo ;o)
Now hopefully you have this stupid song stuck in your head too!