I confess that I wish my brother would stay away from plumbing commerical restaurants....either that or lay off one of the journeymen because I'm going to need a BIG raise ;)
I confess that I'm super surprised that the new/young Utah Jazz team are doing as well as they are. It's been a lot fun to watch...however, we totally should have won in OT against LA Wednesday night. I'm looking forward to taking my nephew and Ry to see the Kings (Jimmer) vs. Jazz later this month! Thanks Brent!
I confess that I think fuzzy cozy socks are the best invention EVER! I hate having cold feet. Once my feet get cold I can't seem to warm up. Sadly, I confess, I don't own a pair my own fuzzy cozy socks. Thank goodness my daughter loves them too because people...a.k.a. GRANDMA (Yes, my mother)...keeps buying them for her and NOT for me. At least she has plenty to share...OR to steal from ;)
I confess that my husband is being a MEANIE HEAD! He doesn't like my style of blogging...I don't care...still...I still don't care :P Right now he is leaning over my shoulder saying mean and negative things, lol. I think he should only say NICE POSITIVE things to his super fabulous wife!
-- Blah, Blah, Blah, he's still here saying MEAN things,lol...He should go play his XBOX and leave me and my blog alone :P OH, shucks...now he's moved on to poor Zoe and she can't even defend herself! He needs...(sigh)another...hobby. Oh good...after reading over my shoulder, he left to go be Martha Stewart and start his latest and greatest sewing project...I'm not going laugh (Okay, I am) but at least he's no longer bugging me ;)
-- OH...LAST ONE --
I confess that my husband is much more craftier than I am. Sewing, crochet, painting, drawing...Yes, that man I love is multi-talented! With everything he does Joel is a perfectionist and can take FOREVER to do something/anything.
EXAMPLE...It took him almost 3 hours to put Christmas lights up in our front room window. For a minute there I thought that he was going to break out the ruler and make sure each light was so many centimeters apart. It was funny. He's super cute and love watching him...and, of course, making fun of him too ;) Love you Bud! (*shaking head*...and people wonder why we don't put Christmas lights on our house.)