Officers Shot While Serving Warrant

Members of the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force were attempting to serve a warrant about 8:40 p.m. on Jackson Ave, in Ogden, when a gun battle erupted. Six officers and the alleged gunman were shot. Ogden Police Officer, Jared Francom, was killed in the line of duty. The conditions of the five other injured officers range from serious to critical, according to the Ogden Police Department. Those injured were officers Shawn G., Kasey B., Weber County Sheriff's Sgt. Nate H., Michael R. and Agent Jason V.
I'll always remember the night of the shootings. Around 9:30pm I got a phone call from Susie saying, "There's a police shoot out going on in Ogden with the Narcotics Strike Force...That's Nate's group...I hope he's okay." Unfortunately, the next morning we saw on the news that Nate was indeed one of the officers involved in this horrific event.
Nate grew up several house up street from me but when you grow up in the...once a of Uintah, everybody knows everybody is putting it mildly. Uintah is a tight knit group of families that all entertwine someway or another. I have numerous memories of Nate's dad, Dave, sitting on his old beat up motorcycle in our driveway while talking shop with my Dad about the Uintah Fire Department. Nate, Suzanne, or Michelle would eventually be sent down to collect their Dad.
KSL reported that --"Weber County Sheriff's Sgt. Nate H. was shot "several times" as he tried to help his fallen fellow officers..."-- However, I know...from the good ol' Uintah grapevine that is still running strong...that there's a lot more to the heroic events that took place that night. My prayers go out to Nate, and all of those involved, while they try to recover physically and emotionally from this event.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the courage to serve others at whatever cost. --Arthur Ashe
Nate, whether you believe it or not...You are the true definition of a hero!