Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Random Summer Happenings

Okay, I'm going to try to quickly catch up :)

Brent, Susie, and I got tickets for our families to go to the Day's of 47 Rodeo in Salt Lake.  We met at Chili's for dinner by the E-Center and went to the rodeo.  Super Fun....especially making fun of some of the weirdo's there.  

Joel took Ry and went Camping with Brett, a friend from work, and his kids.  Wives were not invited.  THANK GOODNESS ;) Ky loves nature as much as I do, and decided to stay home with me.  The boys went to Potters Pond for two nights.  Fishing, four-wheeling, and fun...their version of fun anyway ;)  Thanks Uncle Brent for letting them borrow your four-wheeler!

Ky and I stayed home for some girl fun.  We went and got glitter nails, on both our hands and our feet, went shopping for the outfit Ky was going to wear as a server at Bianca's wedding reception, and then attended Bianca's bridal shower.  We had plans to go to a movie and a few other things...but the time went by too fast.

Haylee, my sister's little girl, turned 2!  The "A" side of the family all went in together and got her a new swing set.  Both her and Bodee love it :)

Ky chopped her hair off...Yes, it was her idea - NOT MINE :P  Everyone has been harassing me about making her cut her hair short again.  I had nothing to do with it.  She saw a picture online, printed it out for Staci, and asked me to make the appointment...which I did VERY QUICKLY! It's been so much easier to blow dry straight.  She loves it and, really, that's all that matters!  The poor girl is looking more and more like her Mom (with her Dads eyes) and we both HATE the natural curly hair!

Towards the end of the summer our lives got REALLY boring, I've said it before...I don't do well as a single parent.  The kids get away with murder and it gets really expensive.  Joel has been EXTREMELY BUSY at work trying to get the new version of the car section released for  Whenever they launch a new product we see less and less of him :(  For three weeks straight he worked 14 hour days...even on weekends.  The new section has still not been released....if something could go wrong with this project, it does.  This last week he has been coming home around 5:30, which is freaking awesome, but I see many more late nights in his future....and then, hopefully, a long vacation.

A few weeks ago Eric Bright, the VP of Ecomm, sent me a card with a $100 visa gift card. The card said:

Good Morning Heidi,  

I wanted to send a  note to thank you and your family for giving up so much time with Joel over the past month as we work through the final crunch on the cars project.

We strive to make family first and know how hard these pushes are for our loved ones.  We are working to make these pushes the exception rather than the norm.

As hard as the month has been you can be so proud of Joel. The product he and his team have built is freaking amazing!  I know the enclosed gift card can't replace the time lost, but I hope you can use it to take the family out to reconnect.

Thanks so much Heidi - Please thank your kids for our entire marketplace team as well.

Eric Bright
VP Ecomm, DDM

With the gift card we took the kids to breakfast, bowling, and a movie.  It was fun for the first 5 frames...and WAY too stressful the last five frames.  My kids are too competitive with each other.  I wanted to hurt them both.  At one point, Ky and Joel switched places without Ry Joel bowled for Ky, bringing her score way up, and Ky bowled for Joel, bringing his down.  It was funny...for the three of us ;)  Poor Ry, lol.  After bowling Joel and Ry played a few rounds of pool and Ky had fun at the video arcade.

While leaving the bowling alley, Ry got invited to go up into to the Unitas to go fishing for the afternoon.  We dropped him off at Joel's parents house and took Ky to see the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  The movie was cute...I love hearing her giggle, it makes me smile :)  After the movie we went to The Pizza Factory for dinner.  At first I was bummed that Ry decided to bail on our afternoon but in the end it was good to spend some quality alone time with Ky. Her brother can be a little overwhelming at times ;)

A week before school started Ry landed his 360 on his bike at the skate park. He called super excited and asked me to come up and video record it.

Two hours later I got the "MOM, COME AND GET ME" call.  Which is never a good sign.  He had fallen and the handle bars had hurt his side making it hard to breath.  Because I wasn't exactly sure what was under that bruise that was getting worse and worse by the minute...I called our doctor's office and was able to get him in within the hour.  They ran a urine test and decided that he bruised his kidney and had sprained his collar bone. Thankfully summer is over and his bike time has been reduce DRAMATICALLY!