Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Confessional. . . .

I borrowed this idea from a friend, Lisa, whom I have never met face to face but inspires me in ways she'll never know! So, Thanks Lisa! After doing a little blog surfing I have decided that this is exactly what I need in my life right now, a way to get a few random things that I have thought about all week out there in the open. . . so then hopefully I will be able to stop dwelling on them ;)

So, here goes my first 3 confessions:

1. I confess that I will add people to my contact list just for the very reason that the next time they call. . . I don't have to answer it. I know that sounds REALLY bad, and I know my mother-in-law will think she falls into this category, lol, but she doesn't (love ya Lin :). . .and neither does anyone else that would read my blog. In fact I doubt anyone that I HAVE done this to would even know what a blog is or have any interest in reading my ramblings.

2. I confess that even though technically my Christmas decor is taken down, it is all still in a big box next to the couch in the living room. Yep, a big, ugly, heavy box full of Christmas ornaments, garland, Christmas stockings, and much more right in my main living room - open the front door and there it is....still. I hate getting into my crawl space and was hoping that if I left the big, ugly, heavy box there by the couch someone would either....(a) take it downstairs for me and put it away or (b) someone would offer to help me carry it downstairs and then to hand it to me after I crawled back in there. No...wait...this is a confession, so why lie? I want (a) to happen, lol.

Oh, don't get me wrong - Joel and I talk about putting it away all the time and then we get super busy and there it sits....still. Tomorrow is Saturday, so maybe I'll take baby steps and at least move the big, ugly, heavy box to the family room down stairs. . .maybe ;) Oh well, at least if it's still there next December it's one less trip into the crawl space!

3. I confess that I enjoy surfing You Tube for funny videos with Joel and my kids. I know a lot of parents that forbid You Tube and block it. However, we look at it enough together that it has lost it's appeal/coolness and honestly they really would rather do something/anything else. Both Ry and Ky have a netbook (mini-laptop) and an iPod touch. . .so really at this point hopefully I have taught them right from wrong by now because I can't always be with them, nor do I want to -- plus neither one of them has ever given me a reason not to trust them (Yes, I confess...I will often check their browsing history and text message's while they are sleeping -- but that's a different confessional all on it's own :) So, as I see it, I chose to look at all of the good out there on You Tube. . . The funny stuff, educational stuff, church stuff, and of course...the funny stuff!

This guy is one of our favorites! He has some very funny stuff out there :)