Friday, August 1, 2008

KSL Lagoon Night

Last night was KSL lagoon night. We had a great time, it was HOT, but fun none the less. Ky brought her friend Tal with us since Ry stayed home with Joel's parents because of football. It was fun meeting all the people that Joel has told me stories about. Everyone was very nice and I could tell that Joel really enjoys working with them. The one guy we spent time with at the BBQ, Glenn and his family, is hilarious! I am not sure how they get any work done all being in the same office together. I heard stories about times they broke out into song and dance and pranks they have played. There was even a few threats made that night. Sounds like they have a good time "working" together. I am glad that his work enviroment has changed dramatically, at his last job that he was at for 10 years there was a lot of micro-managing and lots of stress. It's nice to have my husband come home happy every night :)

Today we are leaving to go camping with the Alvey side of the family, after football of course. It should be a good time, it always is. It's a short two night trip, but it will be nice to get away for a while. I am totally bummed that my sister and partner in crime, Susie, won't be there. Maybe she'll change her mind at the last minute and come up.