Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We started this weekend, the same as every weekend lately, with a football game. This was a tense one. Not only was it the first regional game, but we happened to be playing another team that had been undefeated so far this season - and also went completely undefeated last year. The first quarter of the game we tied at 14, from there we finally got our game together. Ry and the other defensive players held them at 14 for the rest of the game, and our amazing offensive players took the final score to Roy 48 Syracuse 14.

After the game, Ry went over to his Grandpa Dare's house and spent the night and we took Ky and met up with the Newbold family at lagoon. It ended up being a perfect night for lagoon, it wasn't busy and the weather was perfect. With the lines being short, Joel and Ky experienced the Samurai for the first time (usually the line is to long). I am not quite sure what she thought of it, and once again I chicken out :) Twisty-turney rides just aren't my thing.

Sunday, after church, we went down to Bountiful to my parents house to kick off Ry's birthday season. Yes, we have "birthday seasons" at our house. By the time we get in a party with each side of the family and a friend party, the celebrating ends up lasting about a week. After spaghetti dinner, cupcakes and ice cream, Ry walked away with a lot of new fishing stuff and $50 in cash. The next party will be on Saturday - He has chosen one Friend, Riley (at $45 per person he only gets to take one!), to go to Speed Street in Layton. Then Sunday night we will be having dinner with Joel's side of the family.

Today is Monday, Labor Day. This is the first labor day in 10 years that Joel has the day off. Hurdman only gave paid holidays for Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day and New Years Day. KSL gives not only ALL holidays off, but also half of the working day before, so he got half of Friday off also, PAID :) It's FABULOUS! However, today it is not only raining, but it's POURING. So, today will be a rainy day spent inside reading a book, hopefully....