Sunday, September 21, 2008

And I thought only girls were drama...

Ry #75 and his friend, Chance #29

Men (boys) + Football = DRAMA!

So, now "they" are calling Ry's Roy A team, Roy S for Roy "stacked", because they are the only undefeated Roy team. It got so bad this weekend that we, players, parents, and coaches, were not allowed to walked down the sidelines until the two teams that played before us totally cleared the sidelines. Officials were concerned that the other teams and coaches would make comments to us parents and cause problems, which knowing some of our could have :)

Here is where I stand: Troy Dixon and his coaching staff are AMAZING. Period.

This year Ry is on the starting defense line and black (2) offense line. Ry LOVES defense, him and the other boys have only let 2 teams score points on us this year. So... as we head into the playoffs, I expect a lot of drama, but I also expect to be very proud of our boys!

Final score this weekend: Roy 26 - West Point 0