Friday, September 19, 2008

I love these old people!

This is a recent picture of my grandparents. I totally adore them both. It's hard to watch the ones I love age and grow old, especially my grandma - my grandpa is going to out live us all, he is healthier than me! During the past couple of months my grandma's dementia has gotten worse and she has bad days, and really bad nights. I admire the way my grandpa takes such good care of her. Some days I can tell he would like to pull all of his hair out, but who wouldn't, it's not easy taking care of a crazy old lady ;) especially when your older than her yourself. It's a blessing that my grandpa, who is eighty-one, can take care of my grandma with dementia, who is seventy-three. Otherwise, DAD - I know you get this in your email - she'd be all yours :)

I went to lunch with them today. My grandpa called while I was over volunteering at the school, and asked if I would like to meet them at The Oaks for lunch. It was fabulous, I loved it. It is so beautiful up Ogden Canyon in the early fall when all of leaves are changing. And to top it off, my grandma was having a pretty good day. She knew who everyone was and was also able to carry on a lengthy conversation. It was, of course, fabulous!

Beginning in high school, I have made a point to go have lunch with them at least once a week. Granted, in high school I was sluffing seminary - they lived a block away from Bonneville High :) - but it became a habit that has continued. Both of my kids have great memories of going out to eat with great grandpa and grandma, I hope they treasure them. Yes, they have paid for me...then me and Ry... and then me, Ry and Ky to go to lunch almost weekly. I thought for sure they would be thrilled to go back to it just being me when both of my kids started school, but they miss them terribly, and enjoy seeing them on school breaks.