Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oh...what a day!

The day started out fabulously...but isn't ending that way. First thing this morning I met my dad and my sister at Village Inn, in South Ogden, for breakfast. As we were setting there waiting for our order, Thurl Bailey- played for the Utah Jazz - walked in and was seated right in front of us. It was totally awesome. I remember watching him play for the Jazz while I was growing up. He is an amazing man. Follow this link to an article about his life, it's very interesting.


I wish I would have had the guts to ask for a autograph, or take his picture with my phone, something.... but no, all I did was text Joel. I sent: Thurl Bailey is setting right in front of me! He sent back: Cool, throw something at him :)

After leaving breakfast, I headed home to meet Kim, PTA President, to do the taxes. YUCK! It took us three and a half hours and left me with a huge headache. That is the one part of being the PTA Treasurer that stresses me out. So the day started of great with yummy breakfast and seeing someone famous...and is ending with a major headache, bummer.