Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ry's QB Sack!

In this video clip you will see Ry, #75 in black & white, make one of the Quaterback sacks that he made on Saturdays game. If you look closely you can see the yellow arrow at the begining of the clip that Joel put on to help see him. The final score of the game was Roy 37 - Clearfield 0. Ryan had a ton of playing time as usual, he played on defense, offense, and both the kicking line and the receiving line. He also spent a lot of time underneath Clearfield player #76 (you can see him in the video). The kid is big, almost twice the size of Ry, and his way of stopping Ry was to lay on top of him :) Finally after Ry told the referee what was going on, they started getting penalized for it. But overall it was a fantastic game and I am very proud of Ry and his team.

Later that evening we took Ry and his friend Riley to dinner and then to SpeedStreet for Ry's birthday. The boys had a ball racing go-karts and I know Ry is looking forward to when he can go back and beat his high speed of 16.7 miles per hour. He thought for sure that he was going faster than that. Ky stayed home with a neighbor girl, Morgan, and they had pizza and watched girly movies and was bummed we got home so soon. On Sunday night we finished off Ry's birthday season with dinner at Joel's parents house. As always, the kid got spoiled. I think his favorite is a toss up between all the fishing stuff or Madden 09, of course it depends on the day and if anyone is willing to take him fishing :)