Thursday, September 11, 2008

He makes me smile :)

Tonight was another one of my busy nights. I had a PTA Meeting and then had to go straight down to my brother's to work. (I work a couple of hours a week for my brother's plumbing company doing his billing) Joel got home at 6:10 as I was walking out the door and left him to: take care of Julie's girls - so she could go to the meeting with me -, make sure Ry got home from football practice, dinner, homework, reading time and bedtime all by himself. Since I wasn't going to see much of Joel before I left, I wrote a note on our white board that's on the fridge saying: I spent ALL day fixing you a fabulous dinner and left it in the pretty red box next to the stove, all you have to do is heat it up and enjoy! Love, Mom..... I left them a box of Beef Top Roman :)

When I got home around ten tonight, to a dark quite house, I found this message on our white board: Your dinner was the BEST EVER! To thank you we cleaned up after ourselves - put all the dirty dishes in the magic white box over there -------> (arrow pointing to the kitchen sink) As usual, I'm sure they will clean and put themselves away!

He makes me smile!

Thanks for all you do Joel, I wouldn't be able to be "Super Mom" without you. I Love you!

p.s. Sometimes I honestly think that HE does think they clean and put themselves way :)