Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ry leaves single digits forever!

Today Ry turns 10 today! I can't believe my first born baby is that old, where does the time go? First thing this morning my mom called and sang to him :) Chance was here listening with Ry and they really got a kick out of that. Now I am headed to go pick up 6 dozen glazed donuts. I am taking half to school for his birthday treat to share and the other half to football practice tonight. I can't believe he has 30 kids in his class this year. That's a lot of 4th graders for one teacher. Anyway, Joel is coming home a little early tonight and we will be going to dinner and then over to Joel's parents house (they want to give him his present today, even though we will be having his birthday dinner on Sunday) and then to practice before 6:00. He is SO excited for Saturday - he loves going to Speed Street and is excited to take Riley, who has never been. I'll post pictures after all of the exciting events are over this weekend!


Tonight at football practice, before anyone could have a donut, his coaches had everyone sing happy birthday to him. It was the cutest thing ever seeing all of the boys and the 4 coaches singing to him. I wish I would have brought my camera :)