Sunday, September 14, 2008

They DO still like each other!

I wouldn't have believed it I did hear it and see it for myself....Last night as Joel and I were laying in bed talking, we heard the kids start walking up the stairs talking to each other, not yelling, but actually talking to each other. So Joel and I paused to listen to what they are talking about. Ry is going on and on about how much he likes this jeweled butterfly picture that Ky made earlier that day.

When they got to our room, Ry asked Joel where the $5 was that he had gotten from great grandpa for his birthday. Joel told him were it was and Ry preceded to get it out. Once he had it, he asked Ky if he could buy the butterfly that she had made for $5. She starting glowing, nothing could have made her happier at that moment. Of course she gave it to him and he gave her the $5. He then went and hung it up in his room, right above his headboard and below his football posters, and it still there as I type. She was thrilled.

Later after she had gone back downstairs, I asked Ry why he did that. He said, "I feel sad that I have gotten all of this birthday money and presents and she has gotten nothing. So, I want her to be able to have some money also, but I knew if I told her that she wouldn't take my money. This way she thinks I brought it and the money really is hers to spend". My heart melted on the spot. With tears in my eyes, I gave him big hug and told him how much I love him. He gave me his "whatever" look, told me that he loves me too, and went back down to watch TV.

Back when they are around the age of the picture posted here, they were best friends. Ry instantly fell in love with his sister from the moment he meet her. Once she began walking and talking they were glued together. ALWAYS holding hands (especially in the car), hugging each other, and making sure the other one was always included in what they were doing. Joel and I new it was to good to be true, but enjoyed the few years it lasted.

Then one day, not sure when it happened, they stopped being best friends and started being brother and sister. The yelling, screaming, and fighting that has started seldom stops. So as their mom, I want to cherish this memory as proof that they DO love each other :) I hear them say it to each other every once in a while, but actions speak louder than words.