Monday, September 29, 2008

Here I go again :(

Just when I thought I was in the clear, it happened again. Yes, I still think (HOPE) that my asthma will go away one day. Then, this morning, while volunteering at the school my asthma flared back up again. Luckily I have an amazing support system in place that helps me through my attacks. Once my rescue inhaler and my nebulizer failed me, I called my sister and as always she was amazing. She was already in her car so she just turned toward Roy and came right over. After I got off the phone with her, I walked over to my neighbors house, Julie, who knows to just set with me on the porch until Susie gets there. Julie is awesome at not panicking which is exactly what I need.

Then Dr. Ammon at the Roy Clinic stepped up and saved my life once again. Since the time that Dr. Ammon had to call 911 and sent me by ambulance to the hospital, him and his staff at great at just letting me walk in without an appointment. So, here I go again - another round of steroids :( It is the WORST! I feel like a completely different person when I'm on it, it's kinda scary.

This was the first asthma attack I've had since Joel started at KSL. At his old job he was able to drop everything and come home, but now that he rides frontrunner, everything is taken care of by the time he could get home. I am pretty proud of myself for not panicking that he wasn't there. Yes, I do that. I can have a panick attack and hyperventilate while having an asthma attack. I'm told it's quite a talent, not many people do it.

Sometimes I think asthma is my bodies way of telling me to slow down. It definitely keeps me from being on the constant go, go, go, that I try to maintain :) I told Joel that I would stay home today and tomorrow and take it easy, but....we'll see.