Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let me catch you up...

Thursday while I was volunteering at the school, they had a fun assembly that the entire school attended. The Weber State University cheerleaders and a few of the football players came to help kick off our new reading program. The kids loved it! I was setting against the wall, by Ry's class, when the cheerleaders came over to watch the end of the assembly. I grabbed Ry and a few of his friends for a picture with them. Then as it was ending Ry also got his picture taken with Michael Toone, one of the wide receivers on the football team.

Last Sunday, in sacrament, they announced that our bishopric was being released and our ward boundaries would be changing :( During the week the rumors flew. Now it's being said that the Midland 1st Ward is being eliminated and split into two other wards to make them bigger. That makes me sad. I am in a comfort zone and LOVE my ward how it is. So, Sunday Night, tomorrow, at 6:30 pm we meet at our stake center and find out where they are moving us to...

Last night we met at our church and had our last adult date night as the Midland 1st Ward. It was SO much fun. I laughed SO hard. The night started with Subway and chips, and then moved on to the games. Tamara, our activities director, asked me earlier in the week to come with my hair and make-up not done. She said one of the games would include husbands doing hair and make-up. So, Jennifer, Julie, Shawna, Brandi, Shelly and myself came ready to be done up by our men. It was hilarious :) Most of the husbands went crazy adding mustaches, hearts on cheeks, and wild hair do's. Joel did alright, not how I do it, but he did pretty good. Julie, however, looked just like she did it herself. Will, her husband, did fabulous! When that was over we moved onto the newlywed game. Six couples, who's names were drawn out of a basket, were called up to participate. I laughed so hard. Mike, dressed in a suit and all, was the announcer and was so funny. By the time the game was over, I was relieved that Joel and I had already participated and weren't able to be called up :) The night ended with brownies and ice cream. Thanks Tamara, and crew, for a fantastic night!

Today was the last season game for Ry's football team. They went undefeated all season, 7-0! Today's final score against Clinton Blue was 7-41. Ry played good on both starting defense and offense, I love to watch him play! Now we head into the playoffs :) Our first playoff game will be next Saturday on our home field, North Park, against Coleville. Playoffs make me nervous - it's win or go home, which is bittersweet. I want our boys to go all the way, another 4 weeks to finals, but I'm also ready to go back to our normal evening routine.

This week, while Ry is at football practice, Ky will be learning a dance routine with the Roy High Royaliars. Her and her cousin, Jenna, will be performing with them during half-time at the Roy High game this Friday Night. Roy High will be playing Bonneville High. Joel went to Roy and I went to Bonneville - I am hoping for bragging rights... Don't let me down Lakers :)